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Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:12 pm
by Skidmark
Oh I forgot, I also tagged the misses car......

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:13 pm
by DanTurboLancer
love the plates Dan!!!!!!

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:23 pm
by 77galantv6
nice plates, they make it look more sleek
its amazing what a set of plates can do....
i'm possibly getting UBL49N (read - you be lagging) for my car
had them on my skyline and the guy that bought it got rid of them
and they are now available again....

you should have asked me about a wheel, i had a woodgrain one sitting around here
until last weekend when i put it on my girlfriends mazda.

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:52 pm
by DanTurboLancer
Just saw DYSAL's Scorpion,

I hope that changes your mind about changing your set up from LPG to injection ;)

Would be a good set up to think about for the future :)

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:16 pm
by Skidmark
77galantv6 wrote:you should have asked me about a wheel, i had a woodgrain one sitting around here
until last weekend when i put it on my girlfriends mazda
Bugger, thats always the way!
DanTurboLancer wrote:I hope that changes your mind about changing your set up from LPG to injection ;)
yeah , ithink what i would really like is a LPG turbo,Gas research carb maybre ,not excactly sure, but unfortunatly it will take a while.

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:19 pm
by DanTurboLancer
as it says in your signature, its a hobby, no rush mate!

What you have done so far is outstanding!

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:00 pm
yeah everything takes time man
take your time and the end result will be much better
i mean im in year 4 of TUFSIG and is only just now getting its powerhouse motor lol

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:05 pm
by 75wagon
The wagon took me 3 years, but off the road the whole time...
I drove it and collected parts for the first year, so I suppose you could call it 4...

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:36 pm
by Skidmark
thanks for the encouragement fellas.

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:42 pm
by 75wagon
I went to work today, and one of the blokes at work said, Dave, Dave I've got a pic for you... He was excited as. Then he shows me the pics. Your car, he took it on Friday Had the new plates on it. He said I knew you'd like it cause it's got one of my SG stickers on it. He took a photo of Gaphil's car too. He trying to help build up the site (he's a Torana owner), he looks for galants and sigma's and try's to tell the owners about SG. How goods that? :thumpsup:
He was disappointed you weren't with your car Dan....


Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:53 pm
by Skidmark
75wagon wrote:I went to work today, and one of the blokes at work said, Dave, Dave I've got a pic for you... He was excited as. Then he shows me the pics. Your car, he took it on Friday Had the new plates on it. He said I knew you'd like it cause it's got one of my SG stickers on it. He took a photo of Gaphil's car too. He trying to help build up the site (he's a Torana owner), he looks for galants and sigma's and try's to tell the owners about SG. How goods that? :thumpsup:
He was disappointed you weren't with your car Dan....

Thats so cool, Its nice to be noticed, as long as it stays car enthusists and not the local coppers.

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:12 pm
by 75wagon
He said, 'wow it's tidy, really nice looking car'... That's got to make you happy dude :thumpsup: all the work you put into polishing and detailing is being noticed...

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:10 pm
by Skidmark
very happy :D

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:17 pm
by Skidmark
Update on the old girl as shes been updated. The sig now is running an efi set up and Im very happy with the result, much better power delivery and even has a nice little induction note to boot.Took a few weekend with all the white mans magic (electrics) sorted out by a mate.Still lots and lots of work to do and gremlins to chase be shes running well and has started its commuting dutys again.



Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:26 pm
by 75wagon
Still running gas Dan?
Looks good, can't wait to see it...
How's the other Sig project coming along?


Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:41 pm
by Skidmark
75wagon wrote:Still running gas Dan?
Looks good, can't wait to see it...
How's the other Sig project coming along?

Cheers Dave, Nah shes not on LPG anymore, lost that last rego so I could get my pink slip a bit easier, funny thing is it didnt end up costing too much more to run on petrol ,but I had 2 carbys bung out on me.
As for my other Sig Ive decided to have a good think about things. I figure since the engine needs a total rebuild, the body rust is worse then I had hoped,and then to paint it, it wil cost me a couple of thousand to finish it plus many hours in the shed. THe thing is Ive seen good rust free regesterd sigs go for as low as 500 bucks to around $2000 so Ive saved up my money and am going to see what comes up. Lately there has been some good ones but all in QLD or VIC, I guess I just figure its a bit smarter plus I really struggle to find the time required to completly rebuild a car , once I realised that I decided to stop work on it while ive only spent the original $150 purchace price, ive taken some spares from it and Ill just let it sit in the back yard under a cover and keep saving my money .
Skidmark (Dan)

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:27 am
by 13bsigma
very good to hear this is running well again now :) i remember when this car was standard with 5 litres of oil inside the engine and 5 litres outside the engine too lol :D

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:25 pm
by Skidmark
13bsigma wrote:very good to hear this is running well again now :) i remember when this car was standard with 5 litres of oil inside the engine and 5 litres outside the engine too lol :D
Yeah she was a bit greasy ,truth is I havnt changed any gaskets at all yet, but I sure do go through a lot of degreser.Its just a pitty that after doing these mods and giving her someTLC that shes not much longer for this earth ,rust will be the death of her and shes destined to be a parts car. :(

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:48 pm
by 75wagon
Skidmark wrote:As for my other Sig Ive decided to have a good think about things.
That's all good, but you may end up waiting for something that may never show up?

If I waited for the perfect car to rebuild, I still wouldn't have one. Sometimes a leap of faith is all that's needed.

How bad is this rust you're talking about? Surely not as bad as the POS in my shed?


Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:04 pm
by Skidmark
75wagon wrote:
Skidmark wrote:As for my other Sig Ive decided to have a good think about things.
That's all good, but you may end up waiting for something that may never show up?
If I waited for the perfect car to rebuild, I still wouldn't have one. Sometimes a leap of faith is all that's needed.
How bad is this rust you're talking about? Surely not as bad as the POS in my shed?
Good point mate, it may never show up ,especially when I think about what Im looking for , a rust fee, 25 year old ,thin metal car.I geuss thats why havnt been able to wreck the "project car" , instead its under a cover in my tiny back yard, deep down I havnt completly given up on it. As for the rust . Its not that bad I suppose but Im man enough to admit im a bit intimidated by it ,especially the damn sills ,i feel there a bit beyond my depth. Although I have sheet metal skills , I cant weld which makes things a bit harder to orginise.But no its not as bad as body you have in your great big, huge shed ( (Im a bit jeolus of your shed , can you tell?)

Re: Skidmarks GN

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:11 pm
by 75wagon
Skidmark wrote:I cant weld
Only one way to learn.
Have a crack.
Skidmark wrote:But no its not as bad as body you have in your great big, huge shed ( (Im a bit jeolus of your shed , can you tell?)
I've got a matching carport now too. :thumpsup:
