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Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:47 pm
So Ive noticed there have been a few more members from around Brisbane popping up'(new and old members) and just wanted to gauge interest for a potential cruise towards the end of the year, say October or November?

Possibly thinking a cruise up a mountain in the south east that i know of, family friendly destination and a carpark, aswell as some cool stops on the way up.

So anybody keen to come along if i organise this?

VGJONO :thumpsup:

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:00 pm
by 75wagon
A guy named Aaron was asking about a SE QLD cruise just last night on FB SG.

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:02 pm
by 75glnt
im keen! hope to have a car by then (things are looking differently for me and may have the ute done sooner than expected?? maybe..).

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:32 pm
75wagon wrote:A guy named Aaron was asking about a SE QLD cruise just last night on FB SG.
Awesome, i see youve sent him this way :thumpsup: maybe i could get your help with getting the word out on the facebook page if this goes ahead, i know the major issue of the cruise i tried to organise at the begining of the year was a few people said they were keen, but there wasnt enough notice between the planning and final date, aswell as the official thread didnt get as much exposure.
75glnt wrote:im keen! hope to have a car by then (things are looking differently for me and may have the ute done sooner than expected?? maybe..).
Haha i know your always up for a cruise, awesome, hope it all works out, let us know if you need a hand also :thumpsup:

The place im thinking is called Orielly's, its a pretty cool drive up, there is a place for lunch (alpaca farm/resturant) about halfway up and at the top there is some walking trails, a carpark, and a lot of tropicals birds that you can hand feed so its family/missus friendly

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:38 pm
by 75glnt
Yea I've been up the back track to the same place.. Great place! And yep! I'm always keen :P

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:38 pm
by sigtool
im in name a time and ill make it so!

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:55 am
Cool, one more :D ill try and make it so there is alot more time between confirming the location/time and the actual run so everybody can see :thumpsup:

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:10 pm
by SigmaGH1981PWS
Count me and the Sigma in I can join in the cruise from Pottsville (Tweed Heads) on the Highway would be good to meet fellow sigma-Galant members and cruise up the highway just let me know the dates so I can ensure to arrange to have work off

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:47 pm
by davenq
Mayhem,Mayhem,.......Mayhem ,,...7th Dec at QR,....and us little jap/chryslers can give it to the old school Vals,....I did it last year with the g-banger,...and we will be there with the missus's lancer (hopefully).......

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:35 pm
by 75glnt
Trying to get my gb ready for it!! Lol

Hope to have it done in a month or so

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:26 pm
by Gormzz
is this still going ahead depending on interest? i would be keen as if i can get my gc on the road in time.. not the best condition but its something lol.

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:27 pm
by davenq
Well, my Lancer gets roadied next Wed.,....I am flying down Tues 3rd ,get it regoed, do mayhem on the 7th then (If I haven't broken it) drive 1300ks home to Townsville .,it's going to be an epic week for me.....

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:21 am
by 75glnt
As far as I know, yes :)

I'm currently flat out getting my galant done, and jon's flat out fixing the new ga and a carb conversion on his gd :) so no real planning time as of yet (that I know of :P ).

My old girl SHOULD be done by Xmas :)

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:09 pm
yeah this is quickly turning into a beginning of next year thing rather than a towards the end of this year thing :P but by all means i am up for doing something around mopar mayhem seeing as a few members seem to be going out there

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:38 pm
by Gormzz
start of next year sounds good for a bigger cruise! gives me a bit of time to get this gc of mine a very well overdue tidy up as i won't have enough time for a full respray lol. keen to see others though as i can't find many pictures of the interwebs for inspiration and ideas!

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:01 pm
by Gormzz
Are we maybe going to incorporate this with the AJD 2014 event or?

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:14 pm
Not sure seeing as the AJD 2014 event starts at 7:30, can look into it if people want to meet up somewhere around the 6 o,clock mark or maybe meet there and cruise afterwards??

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:19 pm
by Gormzz
I think me and a few other jap classic owners are heading down the saturday before the event to.. i'm fairly easy with whatever.

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:30 pm
by Gormzz
this event is this weekend guys! i'm going to be with a few datto mates heading down and they might be going on a datto cruise to the event and i don't want to be left behind so figured might as well head in same direction they are.. maybe the guys on here going to it want to meet at some place on northside? (trying to find out where they are meeting)

Re: Brisbane cruise/meet (towards the end of the year)

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:08 pm
Not sure if im going to make this now, My Galant lost compression today, still investigating as to why, fingers crossed its just a blown head gasket but even if it is i doubt it will be back in action this week :(

EDIT: just realised i posted this in the Brisbane cruise/ meet post, not the all jap day one :P