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Aerial replacement

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:15 pm
by webby
Some little turd snapped the aerial off my Scorp a while back, hasn't worried me as I very rarely listen to the radio but it does look untidy. Well, so does the car, but still :lol:
How do you get the bloody thing off to replace it? I've got the two screws out of the brackets, but I don't want to haul too hard on the cable in case I break it off :think:

Re: Aerial replacement

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:30 pm
by geezer101
They are in there pretty tight. Disconnect the aerial from the back of the head unit and give it a bit of slack, then pull at the base of the aerial a bit and wriggle it around. The cable goes straight into a 90 degree turn to fit into the 'A' pillar so it's a slow process to pull it through (pulling the aerial plug through is a major head ache too...) Before pulling the aerial out though - tie a bit of string or cord to it and then pull it out - that way you have a feed line to pull the new aerial lead through :thumpsup:

Re: Aerial replacement

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:48 pm
by Scorpma82
I'd eliminate the aerial altogether and just install a CD player.....or some form of MP3/portable audio device

They re cheap, easily accessible and practical

Re: Aerial replacement

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:56 am
by webby
Cheers geezer :thumpsup:
Scorp, it's already got a CD player in it, I can't be bothered patching the hole it'd leave behind and I'm not really into the whole "shaved everything trailer queen" look. Besides, if I did that how would I listen to the cricket whilst driving around :lol: