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hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:26 pm
by colta51
is this fair?
last night i pull out my drive way go up the street do a u turn cum back
and as i pull up my drive way i spun the wheels the tinyst bit and 40min
later a cop is at my door wanting to take my car! ther was nuthing icood do!
thay took it for 7 days under hoon law!!!
i think this is bullshit! just cuz sum prik has it in for me now wen i drive my car
all he needs to do is make a complaint and thay will take my car! :banh:

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:39 pm
by amgis_obrut
is there marks on the road??

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:33 pm
by 75wagon
I'm pretty sure that in NSW the wheels must be spinning for more than 3 seconds to be impounded.


Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:56 pm
by DanTurboLancer
Unfortunately your driveway that you pay for is still council!

I think its crap they can take your car without witness or evidence, just a phone call!

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:11 pm
by 13bsigma
i got arrested in my yellow 300zx once. had to go to court and all. the cops said i spun the wheels and a loud screetch came from the car. i'v spun the whels before and it just slids with no screetcing. they were bullshitting.

i turned down a road and gave it a boot i admit, did a u turn and came back up to the lights. then 2 rough looking, unshaven men came running up yelling to get out of the car. thought someone was going to try to steal my car. so freaked a bit. when they open the door and swiched the ingition off and tried pulling me out i took off as i had turbo timer which kept the car going and the seatbelts on those cars bolt to the door, so the door didn't open cos i had belt on. hooked it out hard to the left running a red light. 200 meters down the road cops came from everywhere lol. guns out pointed at me oulled me from car and arrested me. can laugh now. but was pretty bad.

fleeing sceen of a crime
assulting a police officer (his watch got ripped off while his hand was inside turning ignition off as i took off)
running a red light
neg driving
resisting arrest

were among the crimes i committed.
i got off all as the cops didn't identify themselfs adn didn't follow prosegure.
there was abothe yellow 300 in my area identical to mine with white wheels and all. i'm thinking he did something for them to react like that and they got the wrong person . . lol

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:14 pm
by turbosigma
colta51 - Did you admit to anything?

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:56 pm
by 75wagon
13bsigma wrote:fleeing sceen of a crime
assulting a police officer (his watch got ripped off while his hand was inside turning ignition off as i took off)
running a red light
neg driving
resisting arrest
Lucky boy....

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:06 pm
by 13bsigma
needless to say. thats why i dont have the 300 anymore lol. went and bought the baleno after that. the baleno is more illegal and faster and i haven't been pulled over once in 2 years lol. i averaged 14 points per year off my licence when i was younger. haven't had a fine in over 2 years :) this car is more sleeper. which i like. also why i like my sigma too. just a tidy looking nice car. just gotta work on the fast bit lol

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:14 pm
by GC75
i drifted into a tree, lost 3 points that was pretty epic.

a knob called the cops on me to that was in his V6 commodore.. pretty much doing the same thing, although he stopped and laughed and got on the phone, i lost my cool and got out and went off, he drove off come back 5 mins later and were still laughing i tried to spit in the window but failed lol.

then cops come they asked me what happened i was like errrrrrrr

they got me to admit to drifting and yer couldnt really say i wasnt since it was on dirt.. was like a semi circle.

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:20 pm
by colta51
amgis_obrut wrote:is there marks on the road??
nun at all!

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:22 pm
by colta51
turbosigma wrote:colta51 - Did you admit to anything?
no comment is all i said!

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:26 pm
by colta51

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:37 pm
by 81GL
Have a lot of respect for the coppers, & 'on a whole' these hoon law things seem to be working fairly well: You wouldn't believe the difference it has made around here :| rather astonishing really.

But... the fact that joe average can ring up, make a complaint & have the so called offender dealt with off that is well, questionable to say the least.

Hope it works out for you alright colta51.


Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:16 pm
by colta51
cheers fellas!

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:22 am
by panda
Under SA's hoon laws, police usually place wheel clamps on your car for 7 days, leaving the car in your own backyard, or did they physically confiscate your car & take it away to a Police lock up ?

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:57 am
by woops
But i heard about a little trick to get out of the 2nd and third time rule. Apparently you can sell the car and then buy it back from someone and as long at the ownership changes hands the records are wiped clean. Would be an option if you have a really nice car that you have worked so long on and don't want to have it taken from you. Don't know if they have plugged that flaw in the system yet. Not that I'm condoning hooning at all but i almost got pinged for the anti-hooning laws in a dodgy 75 hilux. 2 years agoI was driving on a deserted rooftop car park and just dropping the clutch going round a couple of corners and stepping the back out. Real easy to do and on smooth concrete. They game me a full lecture and said they could take my car for 48 hours but i was really polite and they just ended up doing me for "willfully driving in a way which creates excessive noise." Ended up costing me $240 bucks though. The fine structure is a bit stupid as you got fined $225 for traveling 30km over the speed limit at that point in time.

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:33 pm
by TR11KY
its rediculous that this is even allowed to happen.

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:46 pm
by 13bsigma
i know everyone has a little fun with their cars. and if you dont, you are lying or dont belong on a CAR site haha. but i know there is no such thing as safe speeding or safe hooning, but there is a safER way of doing it. i mean. i'v whipped the back end out of most of my cars (including the suzuki {handbreak is awesome lol}) and when i do it, i make sure there are no cars, trees or anything that can go majorly wrong. and i'm very hesitant and lot more selective of where if i have passengers. i'v hit a gutter sideways twice. 1st time was a lesson and second time the road narrowed and i was unaware. but i wont make that mistake again.

i'm a better driver because of all the dangerous driving i'v done in the past. i'm more aware of how a car handles etc, but if i could go back i wouldn't have dont it.

all i'm saying is, be carefull when driving like an idiot and learn from your mistakes and make a possitive out of any nicks or acco's :)

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:27 pm
by Superscan811
TUFSIG wrote:1st - 48hrs impounded
2nd - 3 months impounded
3rd time round - car confiscated
Very Dangerous for the police (and public) the third time round.
A bit like when they said they would crush the car while the offender looked on.
Give some people an opportunity where they stand to gain more by attempting to get away, even if it endangers the police and other people, guess what, they'll put the pedal to the metal and to hell with the consequences.

Just my 2c worth.


Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:27 pm
by Shifta
13bsigma wrote:
all i'm saying is, be carefull when driving like an idiot and learn from your mistakes and make a possitive out of any nicks or acco's :)
Well said mate. I'm 32 this year and I've done my fair share of "hooning" round Adelaide. Hell, I still remember the old Bay carpark and used to hang at Freedom behind HJ's on West Terrace back in the day ( had my first GH Turbo defected there while parked !). I've made plenty of mistakes and the key is learning from them :). As soon as I get another quick car I'll have my fair share of fun, just only where me and the boyz can witness it :)

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:21 am
by Frosty
Authorities should never be allowed to forcefully acquire someone's property unless it was purchased unlawfully or under false pretenses.

the problem with confiscation is that it sets a precedent which goes completely against justice.
at this rate, soon we'll be hearing things like

"you walked on the grass, I'm gonna have to confiscate those shoes, sir!"

"you were smoking in a non-smoking area. hand over all your cigarettes please sir"

"you were using a phone while driving, hand it over....yep, the SIM card, too!"

at very worst, they should be able to sell your car at auction and provide you the auction details so you have an opportunity to either match the auction price as a "fine" or forfeit the car.

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:15 pm
by mic_77
One thing you are forgetting is the Wankers that just call up because they do not like you or have nothing better to do you could lose your car because of people like this. The way things are going we may aswell go back to a Nazi regime and have the Gestapo walking around. Also they don't seem to take the cars of drunk drivers that kill a lot more people they seem to catch a hell of a lot more off them.

cheers Mic

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:37 am
by Frosty
the question remains....if they take your license why do they need to take your car too?
driving without a license should carry a much heavier penalty. and they should forget this "we're taking your car" bullshit.

Re: hoon laws!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:28 am
by tango76hardtop
think in W.A you need video or picture evidence or the copper sees you do it to be able to get you for it if not its just your word against theres. 1st offence is only 48 hours impound over here in W.A