distant between crank pulley and front stablizer bar
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:08 pm
hey guys, so in the final stages of finishing the engine bay off , things are getting nice and clean and bits painted , got a new radiator on its way . but quick question . when pulling off the belt from the crank there's next to no room between the pulley and bar, its not touching but had to yank the belt out, and getting it back in that way doesn't seem likely . thinking when we converted from auto to manual the new cross member is pulling the box up a few mm to high hence bringing the front down that touch lower. just wondering if someone can grab me a measurement between the 2 , my thought was just to chuck a few nice thick washers on the crossmember to drop the box the couple mm it seems off by . if not any other suggestions or theory's ?? ill throw some pics up once the new radiator is all bolted up and i scrub the bay some more .